Flying Pigeon Pose Step by Step – Sadhak Anshit
Step One Standing at the top of your mat in tadasana, come into a “half chair” or “gentleman’s chair” pose... [more]
What is yoga to you?
Just ask the question and then dive deeply within. Seek for the answers and let the journey itself be enough.... [more]
Holistic Benefits of Crow Pose – Sadhak Anshit
Bakasana, or Crow Pose, is an arm balance with a wide variety of health benefits. Crow Pose, the variation with... [more]
May all beings on earth receive health, food and peace – Sadhak Anshit
Sadhak Anshit was born on August 15, 1985 in Kanpur city. He is a Yogi and a spiritual teacher. He... [more]